Professor Stuart Winter was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at The Churchill
22nd August 2024

Following my cancer diagnose Nov 23 of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of my left tongue base, I was expertly treated by Professor Winter within his clinic at Blenheim Outpatients, The Churchill Hospital, Oxford. During my course of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and the eventual left neck dissection operation to remove the remains of cancer tissue in my left lymph node, I was clearly advised of my medical situation with the upmost professional care and attention. Everyone within Professor Winter’s team was kind, courteous and dedicated to my care and wellbeing. I understood clearly everything that was explained regarding my treatment plan and felt supported totally throughout. Being self-employed was a major issue for me, so I also am very grateful to Professor and his team for their understanding regarding my need for appointment flexibility, especially after six months of not working and my first proper moment of employment clashing with my neck dissection operation. I spoke to Professor Winter on the phone regarding this and was reassured to go ahead with my operation. Following that telephone conversation, I am now happy to learn that I am now cancer free and relieved to have had all my medical care provided so speedily and I can now happily move forward with my life. Besides the usual radiotherapy side effects and post operative neck numbness, which will hopefully reduce over time, I have no negative outcome, and can only offer my praise. Professor Winter provided me with excellent medical care, kindness and understanding. Combing all that made me feel secure during an emotional rollercoaster and the result is that I can now live for many more years hopefully: Professor Winter and his team have saved my life and I can never be more grateful!

Written by a NHS patient at The Churchill
16th August 2024

I have seen Mr Stuart Winter post op for removal of pharyngeal Pouch. Mr Winter explained that my situation was different to most patients he sees as he was facilitating the removal of the pouch so the GI team could do further investigations on a tumour at junction oesophagus/stomach. Mr winter explained fully to me where I am now & helped me to manage my expectations post op, I have some symptoms post op but no where near as bad as pre op where my life was impacted by the condition. I can enjoy life again and also be in control of knowing certain foods may affect my swallowing.

Written by a NHS patient at The Churchill
25th July 2024

Professor Winter care during my treatment was exceptional. Very caring and professional. I always felt very relaxed with him and felt at ease asking any questions i might have had. Top man.

Written by a NHS patient at The Churchill
23rd May 2024

This person is a totaly caring individual of great skill and I owe my quality of life to him. I was diognosed with caner of the Larynx and a recurrance after Radiotherapy. Mr.Winter showed understanding to the fact that at 73 years old was still working. He gave me the choice of Full or Partial Laryngectomy. I decided to have a partial after all risks were explained and Professor Winter performed my operation and at all times showed concideration to both myself and my lady partner. It is not always the job you do but the way you do it and will be eternaly greatfull to him.

Written by a private patient at GenesisCare Oxford
22nd May 2024

From diagnosis to aftercare, I have found Professor Winter to be a truly outstanding professional. He is realistic and informative, but just as importantly for me, he is affable, supportive and extremely caring. This patient could not ask for more...


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Professor Stuart Winter is a Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Surgeon in Oxford and Associate Professor in the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford.

He has an NHS consultant practice based at the John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals.
He has a private practice based at the Manor Hospital and GensisCare.

He has a specialist interest in tumours of the head and neck, both benign and malignant and is a member of the Oxford Head and Neck Multidisciplinary team.
He also runs a specialist swallowing clinic in addition to these services he offers expertise in all aspects of General ENT including problems related to Snoring, Lumps in the Neck or Salivary Glands, Voice Disorders, and Sinus Disease.